Environment and Sustainability Committee
Inquiry into Energy Policy and Planning in Wales

EPP 78 – D Evans


                                                                                          19th September 2011

Environmental and Sustainability Committee,

Cardiff Bay,

CF99 1NA


       Ref  Mid Wales Connection


Dear Sir,


             I am writing to complain about TAN 8 and its implications to Mid Wales.


I feel strongly that it will be wrong to continue building wind farms and windmills that seem to be growing in size in our area. We locals and the tourists who visit here value our beautiful landscapes and nature. We don’t want our forests cut down and our lovely views spoilt. We suffer enough from flooding and don’t wish to see this problem worsening because of the removal of peat to build these structures.


 The roads here will not be able to cope with the abnormal loads which we will suffer for years. The roads are very narrow in places, many of the towns suffer from traffic congestion now and introducing more traffic particularly of the size and amount mentioned will have a devastating effect. These loads no doubt will cause structural damage to the roads and adjacent buildings.


The presence of pylons which belong to the 1920s and large sub station will cause great health and economic worries to people with their house prices decreasing in value. Tourists will not want to visit an area and this will cause great hardship to numerous businesses.


I trust that you will consider the above points.



                                                                              Yours Faithfully,


                                                                                  D Evans